We know chronic kidney disease and diabetes represent significant challenges for patients and caregivers, both physically and emotionally.

Wherever you are on your healthcare journey, we are here to help.

Lives were changed
when Theresa's company extended the Health to Hope benefits to her family.

Watch video to learn more:

At Health to Hope, we empower you as you take ownership of your health by supporting you in disease management, education and motivation.

If a kidney transplant is right for you, we help you navigate the process and overcome barriers to prepare you for transplant. After transplant, you will learn everything you need to know to keep your new kidney healthy and your lifestyle strong.

We do this through our Four Pillars of Health

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Certified Health and Wellness Coaches utilize Motivational Interviewing to help patients gain confidence and mindset skills to successfully navigate change and sustain motivation.

Nutritional Health


Registered Dietitians and Nutritionists provide individualized guidance and resources to empower lasting healthy lifestyle choices.

Physical Health

Physical Fitness

Certified Fitness Trainers meet the patient where they are and create personalized solutions to overcome barriers to transplant and combat co‑morbidities.

Transplant Health


Nurse educators meet with patients throughout their journey, helping to maintain successful outcomes as they move forward in health.

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Health practitioners meet you where you are to provide the support you need every step of the way.

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Desktop and Mobile App for 24-hour continuous support. Patients engage with virtual coaching calls, goal setting, progress tracking, curriculum and resources.

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  • Diabetes
  • CKD3b, CKD4
  • Mindset Skills
  • Build Healthy Habits
  • Support Groups
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  • Post-Transplant Education
  • Support Graft Survival
  • Reinforce Confidence for Change
  • Maintenance of Healthy Lifestyle

Wherever you find yourself on your healthcare journey, we are here to help you discover your next best step.

Case Study: Health Coaching

Guiding behavior change improves health outcomes