Rejuvenate delivers to help kidney disease patient, earn trust of family members

“If I would have known what I know today, and I had gotten a call from Rejuvenate, I would have signed on the dotted line immediately.”

Rejuvenate Kidney Transplant Solutions made a believer out of Theresa Himes, whose late husband, Blaine, received a kidney transplant in 2019.

“What they did for my family, helping Blaine have a better life and extending his life by a few years – I can’t say enough about them,” says Himes.

Himes says Blaine was a character. He was a dedicated mechanic who developed a passion for working on motorcycles when he was in high school.

“The other really cool thing about him was that he could talk to you about anything,” she says.

Blaine first started the process of being listed for a kidney transplant in 2018. But while undergoing testing to determine if he qualified for the national transplant waiting list, he suffered a serious setback.

Blaine had a heart attack and underwent emergency bypass surgery. The heart attack placed greater stress on Blaine’s failing kidneys.

“I came home from a two-week trip, and Blaine had gone to the doctor and found out he needed to go on dialysis,” says Himes.

That’s when the couple received a letter and a call from Susan Rees at Rejuvenate Kidney Transplant Solutions that forever changed their lives. Rejuvenate’s solutions find ways to help people access kidney transplants sooner and avoid the cost and negative impact of dialysis.

“Susan came to our home and was talking to us about Rejuvenate and what they did,” says Himes. “I’m sitting there thinking – something that’s too good to be true is usually too good to be true, and I was very reluctant to even continue the discussion with her.”

Following the meeting with Rees, Himes consulted her benefits manager.

“He told me Rejuvenate had helped other employees,” says Himes. “He couldn’t tell me their names, but he could tell me they had helped with other kidney transplants for employees of our company.”

The conversation convinced Himes to take the leap and work with Rejuvenate. Four months after her first conversation with Rees, Blaine was listed for a kidney transplant. He received his lifesaving kidney that same day.

“If I would have known what I know today, and I had gotten a call from Rejuvenate, I would have signed on the dotted line immediately.”

“If you get a call, just make sure that you ask all the questions you need to ask,” she adds. “Talk to your benefits manager. Talk to your insurance company. You will not be sorry.”

If you or your family member suffers from kidney disease, or if you are a benefits manager tasked with helping employees, know that Rejuvenate has helped thousands of people access kidney transplants faster.

Rejuvenate partners with brokers, benefits consultants, captives and self-insured employers to transform lives and greatly reduce healthcare costs from kidney failure by creating opportunities for kidney transplants.

Schedule a call today to learn how Rejuvenate can help.