Rejuvenate: The Call That’s as Good as it is True

Susan Rees knows her pitch can sound too good to be true. When Rees makes a cold call to a person suffering from kidney disease, she identifies herself by name and explains she’s from Rejuvenate Kidney Transplant Solutions, an organization dedicated to helping people expedite their path to transplant. “I explain that the person’s employer…

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Using Math to Solve the Kidney Disease Equation

Rejuvenate Kidney Transplant Solutions reimagines kidney care by finding ways to help patients access kidney transplants faster and avoid the cost and negative impact of dialysis. Rejuvenate’s solutions were made possible in part by its co-founder, Nobel laureate Alvin Roth, an economics professor who helped revolutionize kidney donation. Roth’s innovations have led to more than…

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“No comparison” between dialysis and a kidney transplant

Author, speaker and former professional soccer player Simon Keith keeps two photos as a visual reminder of the stark contrast between living on dialysis and receiving a successful kidney transplant. Side-by-side, the images reveal the drastic impact of kidney disease on a man who holds the distinction of being the first athlete in the world…

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Rejuvenate Kidney Transplant Solutions CEO participates in the signing of a pilot kidney exchange program between US-Italy

The Alliance for Paired Kidney Donation (APKD), an Ohio-based, non-profit organization managing an international kidney exchange registry, announced the launch of a pilot kidney exchange transplant program between the United States and Italy. The signing of the agreement, between APKD and Centro Nazionali Trapianti (CNT), the organization which manages all transplantation activity in Italy, allows…

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Leveling the playing field for kidney transplants

Each August, individuals, businesses and organizations across the country recognize National Minority Donor Awareness Month, a collaborative effort to save and improve the lives of diverse communities by creating a positive culture for organ, tissue and eye donation. As part of this effort, the movement highlights disparities that persist in the field of organ donation…

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